Friday 25 December 2009

Rev. Christine Robinson Gets A Christmas Message From The *Real* U*U Enforcer. . .

In a brief blog post titled 'More on Ministerial Credentialing' Rev. Christine Robinson directs her iminister blog readers to the 'Christmas & Credentialing' post of the Calling Ministers blog. Taking a cue from Rev. Robinson's brief Christman blog post I submitted the following comment to it -

Some interesting comments about the UUA`s very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee and its incompetent, negligent, and effectively complicit (non)responses to my own and other people's legitimate clergy misconduct complaints about "less than excellent" U*U ministers here.

Perhaps I should have waggishly titled this *Real* U*U Enforcer blog post -

'Moron Ministerial Misconduct'

to say nothing of 'Moronic UUA & MFC Mishandling of Clergy Misconduct Complaints'. . .

Tuesday 30 June 2009

UUA President Peter Morales Won't Come In With A Submachine Gun And Shoot Up *The* Place That Reeks Of Privilege And Hierarchy (i.e. 25 Beacon Street)

But don't take The *Real* U*U Enforcer's word for it or even The Emerson Avenger's word for it. . .

Take *his* word for it, as reported in the UU World blog post titled 'Board welcomes Morales, asks about new relationship'

Of course UUA President Pedro Morales didn't say anything at all about not blasting gaping holes in the UUA's credibility by firing a few well aimed broadsides from the 16" guns of the U*U Jihad Navy's 'Name Of State Withheld' class battleships. . . If he would like to do something like that at some point in time I would be quite happy to oblige him. I am sure we could work out some kind of alliance.

Come to think of it. . . the U*U Jihad Air Force's newly developed Beagle* stink-seeking missiles would be just the thing for blasting *The* Place That Reeks Of Privilege And Hierarchy aka 25 Beacon Street in Boston.

* Yes that is a somewhat subversive Darwin reference. :-)

Wednesday 8 April 2009

'I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Unitarian' Song Lyrics - The Emerson Avenger Version. . .

The Emerson Avenger's rather militant parody version of Gilbert & Sullivan's famous 'The Major General's Song' from their comic opera 'The Pirates Of Penzance', a song that is much more commonly known as 'I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General', was "composed" and posted to The Emerson Avenger blog over two years ago. I am now cross-posting it here as well because a fair number of people, presumably Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us aka U*Unitarians, search for this satirical U*U song and, by cross-posting my version here with its actual title 'I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Unitarian' in the blog post title itself, I will hopefully make it just a little bit easier for U*Us or indeed other people to find and appreciate. . .

This is most certainly not the Rev. Dr. Christopher Gist Raible version of - 'I Am the Very Model of a Modern Unitarian'

I am the very model of a modern Unitarian,
I'm "liberal", and "Humanist", remarkably contrarian,
I know some things of Channing, but ignore the fights historical,
From Coleridge to Emerson, because I'm hypocritical;
I'm very unacquainted too with matters theological,
I understand our pagans are most flaky and illogical,
As a religious "Humanist" I'm dealing with some nasty news,
With many fearful facts about those "fundie" atheist U*Us.

I'm very good at being corpse-cold, indifferent, and callous,
I know the U*U logo is a form of flaming chalice,
In short, in matters human*itarian and Social*ist Darwinian,
I am the very model of a modern Unitarian.

I don't know our mythic history of corpse-cold Unitarians,
I won't answer to those rumours about Nazi Unit-Aryans,
I quote in U*U blogs the many crimes of Roman Catholics,
While turning a blind eye to those of our own U*U clerics,
I Deny, Ignore and Minimize U*U abusers and barbarians,
I can't hear the croaking chorus from our famous Unitarians,
Then I do my very utmost not to face the music's din again,
And ignore the whistle-blowing of that infernal Emersonian.

Then I can write a blog post in barbaric and insulting form,
And tell U*Us every detail of the Accepted Straight Man Uniform;
In short, in matters Wagnerian, Bavarian, and Totalitarian,
I am the very model of a modern Unitarian.

In fact, when I know what is meant by U*Us are unravelin',
When I can't tell the difference between some U*Us and Joe Stalin,
When affairs of U*U clergy are surprises I don't dare berate,
And when I know precisely what is meant by to "commiserate". . .
When I have learnt what progress has been made in U*U shunnery,
When I know no more of ethics than a U*U in a nunnery:
In short, when I've a splattering of anal U*U funnery,
You'll say a better U*U has never ever sh*t on me.

I know that Robin's knowledge, though quite lucky and adventurous,
Has insultingly been put down by U*U Atheists Acrimonious;
But still in matters contrarian, sectarian, and indeed barbarian,
I am the very model of a modern Unitarian.

Sunday 29 March 2009

The UU Enforcer Who Enforces Little Or Nothing In The U*U World Has Some Explaining To Do To The *Real* U*U Enforcer. . .

Here is an "electronic communication" that I just sent to that shameless imposter aka impostor and fraud going by the highly misleading, if not outright fraudulent, internet pseudonym 'The UU Enforcer' in the form of a comment submitted to The pitfalls of volunteer run web-sites post of his and/or her The UU Enforcer blog -

Yo! So-called, self-titled, (not to mention self-appointed) "UU Enforcer",

When are you actually going to get around to doing some enforcing of U*Us?

I haven't seen anything even remotely resembling "bruising talk" about your beloved U*U Movement here in months, if not a year or two. . .

What gives?


The *Real* U*U Enforcer

Friday 20 March 2009

All U*U Asses Are Bilong To Us!

Just saying. . . :-)

But it doesn't hurt to say it again.

Thursday 19 March 2009

There's Probably No UU Avenger. . . So Stop Worrying And Enjoy U*U Life

Apparently *some* people, most probably U*Us, seem to be confU*Using the lame ass UU Enforcer with that dreaded scourge of the U*U World known as The Emerson Avenger. Not that The Emerson Avenger aka The Dark Knight Of The U*U World isn't The *Real* U*U Enforcer but, to the best of my knowledge there is no UU Avenger that *some* people are looking for with Google searches for - UU Avenger.

Still. . .

It works for me as they say. ;-)

Saturday 17 January 2009

*The* U*U Enforcer aka The Emerson Avenger

The Anonymous U*U blogger calling him and/or herself The UU Enforcer is an imposter aka fraud. I am the *real* "less than anonymous" U*U Enforcer and have been *The* U*U Enforcer years before the so-called, self-titled, (not to mention self-appointed) UU Enforcer began blogging, at least in terms of blog posts that the lame-ass UU Enforcer "memory holed" to hide from U*U eyes and non-U*U eyes. U*U TrU*Uth be told, the UU Enforcer couldn't enforce him and/or herself out of a soaking wet brown paper bag that had already been used for several "less than PC" brown bag lunches in a "less than politically correct" U*U "church" if his and/or her life in the U*U World *depended* on it. . .